Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Red Dot Number 208

In the past few weeks, no correction, in the past month, I have had a number of new stories come across my mind and dreams. I have made notes on the most notable and some of the not-quite-so in hopes that one day when my career as and author takes off and I'm famous I will still have some stories hidden in the vault that I can pull out and make people flock to, in a very Stephen King manner. Hopefully by that time I can write full-time. I think I've finally realized my answer to the infamous question posed by supposed high-school counselors and mad famous by the great movie, Office Space. "What would you do if you had a billion dollars?" yes, the movie asked the question of a million dollars but if you think about the situation with 1 billion dollars. I would, write.

To go about this I would, build a new manor on some land I own, left to me by my father and uncle, and move the family up there and write.